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    "Filed complaint with TCEQ as of today 2/15/22 at 9:00am. Ready for some resolution!"

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    "…You should provide a template or talking points to encourage more people to file a complaint. Thanks for doing this!"

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    "I have to hold my breath every day when I drive by because the smell is so awful. If you drive by on the weekends it's even worse!"

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    "Complaint filed! Thanks for getting the ball rolling with that sign"

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    "The smell off Cumberland road is unbearable. Putting up with it for years is enough. Please fix."

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    "I just filed my complaint!"

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    "Yes. Smells bad as I ride bike near there or drive by it."

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    "Filed a complaint today…Disgusted by the fecal smell in the neighborhood and at Faulkner Park."

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    "Yes, I let them know it needed to be addressed and that I can smell it from my rental."

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    "The smell has a significant impact on any outdoor activity in that area of S. Tyler, particularly during the summer."

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    "The smell is terrible and not acceptable, every time that scent is around caused my my eyes to burn and start watering"

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    "Yes I did! Been living in the occasional path since 2004."

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    "Yes! Thanks for the work y’all are doing to fix this problem."

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About Us

First and foremost, we are Tyler citizens just like you who have experienced the offensive odor when passing by the South Tyler Wastewater Treatment Plant on Cumberland Road. Secondly, we are members of the Genecov Development team. Genecov owns and is developing property along Cumberland Road and we occasionally find ourselves being questioned about this issue. It became clear that we needed to give voice to those individuals and businesses who want a consistent, permanent solution to this offensive odor. To that end, we have engaged an engineering firm that specializes in these specific issues to perform an objective analysis and to provide a clear path forward to drastically reducing the odor. The solutions presented on this website are the solutions provided by the engineers.

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